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Is there a Konica Minolta related web forum?
You can look for information e.g. on this forums: Yahoo User Group
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Can I use an AC adapter supplied by a third party with the camera?
Can I use storage cards > 4GB with the DiMAGE A200?
Can movies recorded with the DiMAGE camera be imported and edited in usual editing programs?
Is it possible to capture the GPS position data for an digital image?
Is there a Konica Minolta related web forum?
My camera does not recognise a CompactFlash card. Is this the camera problem?
The file size of the recorded images is smaller than it should be.
What are the differences of the DiMAGE A-series (A2, A1, A200)
What are the differences of the DiMAGE A-series (A2, A1, A200)?
What storage cards are compatible?
Where can I download Konica Minolta manuals in PDF format?
Where can I get Konica Minolta manuals in PDF Format?
Which Dynax flash units can be used with this camera?
Which flashes are compatible to my DiMAGE 7-/A-series camera?
Which flashes are compatible with the camera?
Why can't old-type flashes be fully used? Is there any way to use it?
At Anti-Shake mode, what is the maximum shutter speed with Hand-held shooting?
Is the battery loaded in the camera charged with the connected AC adapter?
Computer does not recognise the camera as removable disk (and not listed in device manager). Other USB devices are working properly.
There are coloured points on my display. Is it broken?
Where can I get a brochure? Where can I find information about accessories?
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