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Is it possible to scan a hole film?
No, max. a stripe with six pictures can be scanned in a batch.
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Related FAQs
Does the scanning time change by Color Matching setting?
Does this model support APS films?
Is it possible to scan a hole film?
Is it possible to scan multiple images sequentially (batch-scan)?
Is there a Konica Minolta related web forum?
Is there any dimensional limitation for slide mounts to use in the slide mount holder?
The scanner does not pull in the film holder when loading
When connecting the scanner to PC, an message \" HI-SPEED USB Device Plugged into non-HI-SPEED USB Hub \" appears.
Where can I download Konica Minolta manuals in PDF format?
Where can I get Konica Minolta manuals in PDF Format?
Why does the software not pass the Win XP software test?
Can I use this scanner with Windows Vista?
After installing the software without problems, I receive an error message when I want to start the software.
How long does the fluorescent lamp last?
Is the DiMAGE Scan Ver. 1.1.0 usable for other scanners?
What is the Pixel Polish?
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